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Best interests of the child and Texas law for parents’ rights

On Behalf of | Mar 4, 2016 | Child Custody |

Parents in Texas who share custody of a child need to be fully aware of how the law works when it comes to what their rights as a conservator are under the law. It is imperative that parents who are embroiled in a dispute with the other parent keep their emotions in check and understand exactly what the law entails to avoid a long, drawn-out legal battle.

Except in a situation in which it is limited through a court order, the conservator parent has the right to receive information from the other conservator as to the child’s health, education and welfare. He or she can confer with the other parent to the greatest extent possible prior to decisions regarding the child’s health, education and welfare. The parent must be afforded access to the child’s records including educational, medical, dental and psychological. Also, the parent has the right to consult with the medical professionals regarding the child.

With school, the parent has the right to confer with school officials as to the child and his or her educational status. This includes school activities, which the parent will also have the right to attend. The parent can be designated on the child’s records as the person who must be notified if there is an emergency. He or she can consent to any treatment to the child that involves an immediate risk to the child’s health and safety. Furthermore, the parent can manage the child’s estate as it has been created by the parent or the family of the parent.

Parents might not realize that the other parent has certain rights in a child custody situation. The best interests of the child are paramount and if there is an issue, it is key to have legal foundation to settle the matter. Conferring with an attorney about child custody rights is wise when there is a dispute over any issue that concerns a child.

Source: Texas Family Code, “Sec. 153.073. Rights Of Parent At All Times.,” accessed on Mar. 1, 2016
