Dividing assets is often one of the most important and complicated parts of negotiating a divorce agreement. At the same time, couples who are parents need to create a parenting plan that outlines each parent’s respective rights, duties, financial obligations,...
Child Support
Is it time to change your child support agreement?
Times have been tough for many for countless reasons. Nonetheless, families enduring significant changes in circumstances, such as losing or switching jobs, may need to change their child support agreement. If the need is obvious to both parties, couples can mutually...
What does child support cover?
Texas is like many states in that it uses a general equation to calculate the amount of child support that a non-custodial parent should pay. The formula does not take into consideration the income of the custodial parent, but does consider the number of children, the...
Alex Rodriguez seeks a modification to divorce settlement
The divorce decree may not be the final word when couples split up. Issues that arise months or years later may prompt a post-judgment modification involving spousal maintenance, child support or child custody. It can happen to folks who used to live next door, or to...
Is your spouse hiding assets?
Spouses can get quite creative when it comes to stashing money away that would otherwise be a marital asset. Typical examples include opening offshore bank accounts, using hidden retirement accounts or deferring compensation. One CPA even tried to overpay the IRS with...
Tips for dealing with the paternity and child-support process
Determining paternity and establishing child support can be overwhelming and confusing. Parents must deal not only with their work life and their home life, but with the often-frustrating bureaucracy of the court process. Stress is heavy, emotions are high and the...
Child support can cover more than the basics
Some parents mistakenly believe that child support payments can only be put toward basic necessities. This is an increasingly common misconception, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Child support can in fact be put toward many different costs.Wondering...
How can the court get my ex to make child support payments?
A parent who has been ordered to pay child support may not always come through. If you are a custodial parent whose former partner has failed to make child support payments, you have experienced this firsthand. It can be incredibly frustrating, not to mention...
How many child-support-related vehicle registration denials have been issued in Texas?
Child support matters can be prominent issues in divorce cases. There are also major child support issues that can arise for a parent after a child support order has been issued in a divorce. One situation that could come up over such an order that could leave a...
It is Child Support Awareness Month
Child support plays a major role in the lives of many parents and children here in Texas. We are currently in a month where special focus is put on this impactful issue. August is "Child Support Awareness Month".As part of this year's "Child Support Awareness Month",...