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Important points about preparing for a divorce in Texas

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2016 | Firm News |

The idea behind marriage is that it will last forever. The unfortunate truth is that people in Dallas and across Texas will inevitably experience problems in their marriage that can lead to its breakup. The end of a marriage can be rife with emotions and numerous issues in dispute. When confronting the litany of divorce legal issues, there are certain factors that must be considered. As the case moves forward and the time to go to court looms, there are certain fundamental factors that the litigants should be aware of.

Knowing how the law deals with divorce is imperative. This is true whether it is a relatively amicable parting of the ways or a divorce that is contested. A contested divorce may end up going to trial. Knowing the rules of the particular state is beneficial as it can save time and allow for preparation based on the circumstances.

If there are children involved, it can be important to try to keep the process as smooth as it can be to avoid rancor and a difficult adjustment for the children. Likewise, involving children in court proceedings can be a negative. The last thing children need is to exacerbate the already difficult situation by watching their parents in the midst of a courtroom dispute.

Discovery is a key factor in a divorce. In discovery, the spouses and their attorneys will exchange information that is important to the case. Financial information is often central during discovery, and both parties to a divorce should be honest and disclose all of the relevant information that they have. However, discovery can cause disputes, and maintaining calm is one of the biggest issues that participants might forget if there is a disagreement in the proceeding. Getting emotional and angry or expressing frustration about the divorce process can only harm the case.

Of course, legal assistance is one of the biggest factors that can influence a case. It is not just a matter of having the right attorney, but it is also avoiding the wrong attorney. Having the right kind of lawyer with the preferable temperament will go a long way in how the divorce will be resolved or decided upon by the judge. Contacting an experienced lawyer with a sterling reputation is the first step that a person who is ending a marriage should take.

Source: Huffington Post, “Are You Prepared for Your Day in (Divorce) Court?,” Bari Zell Weinberger, Esq., Accessed on March 7, 2016
