Many people may think that celebrities and other wealthy individuals have life pretty easy due to their financial security. True, successful individuals in the entertainment industry do have a tendency to make a considerable amount of money, depending on their career paths, but even individuals with substantial assets, like you, could face personal issues.
In particular, when it comes to dealing with family law concerns relating to child support, you and other wealthy parties may wonder how to deal with the issues that arise. In some cases, a custodial parent may want to seek an agreement modification in hopes of obtaining more support, especially if the noncustodial parent has an increase in income.
Celebrity example
In recent news, this type of family law issue has affected singer Britney Spears and her ex-husband Kevin Federline. After their divorce, Federline obtained full physical and legal custody of the former couple’s two boys. Spears was ordered to make child support payments, and Federline has been attempting to gain an increase in that support.
Apparently, the former backup dancer for Spears wanted to resolve the issue outside of court, but Federline did not feel comfortable with the proposal that he received from Spears and her legal team. As a result, he now feels that the situation would be best resolved through litigation.
Increase in income
Spears has had a continuously running show in Las Vegas for the last four years, and over that time, the show has earned over $137 million. It was also noted that Spears plans to go on a world tour in the near future. She has apparently felt a considerable amount of stress in dealing with the child support issue as she reportedly worries that Federline may attempt to gain more child support in the future in the event that she faces another successful business venture.
It was also noted that Federline wants to obtain income and expense-related documents from Spears in hopes of determining the amount of child support that he feels would prove satisfactory.
When child support agreements seem to no longer suit the circumstances, parents may feel the need to seek changes, as this case shows. If you believe that support modifications could be in the best interests of your children or if you would like to combat a potential increase to your payments, you may want to gain more information from an experienced Board-certified Family Law expert attorney on how to potentially go about pursuing alterations to your agreement.