Social media has come to play a big role in how people connect and stay connected with others, particularly among millennials. So, how individuals act when it comes to social media can have considerable implications on their relationships. This doesn’t just include friendships, but also romantic relationships, such as marriages.
There are certain types of social media behavior that could pose problems within a marriage. This includes engaging in behavior online that could cause one’s spouse to feel jealous or feel that their trust has been violated. It could also include conduct that could tempt a person to be unfaithful. Additionally, it could include a person spending so much time and energy on social media activities that their spouse doesn’t feel that they and the marriage are getting the attention they need.
The damage these kinds of behavior can do to a marriage could in some cases put a marriage’s continued existence in danger.
So, social media use is one of the things that a couple may want to talk about as they are about to get married. They may want to set some ground rules and boundaries regarding social media for their marriage. In some cases, a couple may decide to turn to more formal ways to put such rules in place. For example, some couples opt to include social media clauses in their prenuptial agreements to lay out things like how the couple is to act on social media if divorce occurs.
Social media is not the only thing a couple may want to set clear expectations on as they are headed into a marriage. Another common concern is financial matters, such as what will happen with various assets if a divorce ultimately occurs. This is another area that a couple might end up turning to a prenuptial agreement to help with.
So, when marriage is in a person’s near future, they may wish to talk with a Board-Certified Family Law attorney experienced with prenuptial agreements to get a picture of whether getting a prenup would be a good fit for addressing certain concerns they having going into the marriage.
Source: Forbes, “Millennials, Here’s How Social Media Impacts Your Relationships,” Jimmy Rohampton, May 3, 2017